About Us

“Theres no such thing as a free lunch.” And there’s definitely no such thing as a free estimate.

Estimazing’s suite of applications and tools allows its customers to employ their potential prospects in the project qualification process. Estimazing collects contact data, photos and (coming soon) video, captured by the prospect. This gets the conversation with the customer started and capturesvital data to help you disqualify leads before a site visit.

The goal is 0 truck rolls for free estimates

It’s a lofty goal, but Estimazing customers save hundreds, some thousands, by using our tools to start the “free” estimate process.
That’s the gist of why we do what we do. Read on for more reasons why we’re the right solution to lower your “free estimate” costs.
The Myth of Free Estimates
Estimates cost money, and those costs add up. At the bare minimum, time is spent. More likely your costs look like this:

  • Time… Time is money, and the time you spend traveling to the customer’s location, conducting the estimate, and returning to your base could be time spent on other productive activities. This might include completing ongoing projects, marketing, or administrative tasks.
  • Travel Expenses… This is the most obvious cost. You’ll need to consider fuel costs, vehicle maintenance, and wear and tear on your vehicle. If the potential customer is located far from your base of operations, these costs can add up significantly.
  • Labor Costs… If you have employees or contractors assisting you, their time and potential overtime costs for estimate visits should be factored in.
  • Materials & Samples… Sometimes, you might bring along material samples or catalogs to showcase your work or the materials you intend to use. These samples can cost money, and if they are not returned or if they get damaged, it adds to your expenses.
  • Opportunity Cost… The time you spend on free estimates could be used for other activities that generate revenue directly, like completing paying projects or engaging in more effective marketing efforts.
  • Unqualified Leads… Not every potential customer you provide an estimate to will end up hiring you. Some might be looking for the lowest price or simply shopping around. The cost of providing an estimate to these unqualified leads can be seen as a waste of resources.
  • Administrative Costs… The process of scheduling estimates, keeping track of potential leads, and following up can take administrative time and effort, which comes with its own costs.
  • Equipment Wear & Tear… Depending on the type of equipment you use, there might be wear and tear associated with loading, transporting, and unloading equipment for the estimate. This can lead to increased maintenance and replacement costs.
  • Liability and insurance… Traveling to customer locations involves some level of risk. Accidents, injuries, or damage to property could potentially increase your insurance costs.
  • Perceived Value… Offering free estimates might create the perception that your services are less valuable, and potential customers might not appreciate the expertise and effort that goes into creating accurate estimates.

Every business is different, even those in the same industry. Our goal is to help you better qualify and disqualify leads before costly truck rolls. Estimazing helps save you from the hidden costs of free estimates.

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